Saturday, December 4, 2010
I just got caught up with stupid things like school and work and bathing myself.
You know, the unnecessary things that I like to do from time to time.
Anywho's I thought I'd share my Aldo dance video contest thingy with you.
The contest is based on views and likes on youtube and shares on facebook and tweets on twitter.
So go to youtube and like the hell out of it! please? =)
It's just me dancing around being silly.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wondercon 2010
Didn't have time to post them up here because I have to go to work.
Full blog soon. =)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Seeing as I'm in the library now, pretending to do something pertaining to school work, I can't really do a very good video blog.
SO I've decided to flood this post with bunches of pictures I've taken since my last entry.
Without further ado...
I went to my cousin, Joy's wedding. Pretty exciting.
The happy couple. AWWWW.
There was food there. That's Tony eating food.
left to right, me, my mom, and my sister Bridgette
There's a dude's patootie in my picture!
That's me, my uncle Bob and my sister. I look like I have a kung fu grip there.
My sister's "friendboy" Morgan, my sister, me, and Tony
The cutest kitten ever (with an inflamed liver)
My dog, Benny, he's a gangsta, yo.
Hats! Yeah, I look like a trucker.
and my puppy, Ping pong. (I really have no clue what she's chewing on there.)
I hope that makes up for my intermittent silence. This blog is too fun to ignore.
I'm researching on a new blog video soon and I'm also training for another Half Dome venture!
I have to go get suited up for my Volleyball class. Fun.
I hope everyone had an amazing February. =)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I'm BACK! And I'm NOT Contagious anymore!!!
Oh and I wanted to say thanks to the people who actually comment on my blog.
You are awesome Kelvin, symphony of love, sweet romance, calvinshhmalvin, and of course Jordan!
OH! and a shout out to a fellow blogger! He was nice enough to make an entire blog post about me. =) It's Kelvin, he's super funny and you should check out his blog. =)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I'm sick (yet again)
So, I'm sick again.
I thought my immune system was strong enough to fight off another cold, but I guess I was betrayed by my body. I still have to work today too. UUUUGHHH!
I was going to make a video blog but the truth is, I've lost my voice this time and I have yet to master the art of sign language.
Hopefully I'll have a video up by christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone. =)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving was Yesteday
I finally got my fill of turkey as soon as I got off work.
I hope everyone had a thankful thanksgiving. =)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Starbucks for free? NO WAY!
But I've decided to make a comeback!
Anyways, here's my new video blog.
It's basically what happened on Sunday that I didn't have time to post until now.